Hello Motoz, Darboo,
I am reviving this old thread, I hope you are still around.
I am trying to implement a Domoticz plugin to control my Aduro H1 stove based on pyduro, a library to control the stove.
But I am missing the info on how to change the Heat level ( there are three heat levels in the Aduro app.)
I also would like to figure out how to set the stove to "wanted room temperature" (as it is called in the Aduro app)
By dumping the settings before and after changing the mode via the app, I wasn't able to figure this out.
Wireshark traces show that the requests that are sent to the stove are encrypted via XTEA.
I looked in the code of Darboo to see how the encryption works, but sofar I am not able to reuse this to decrypt the requests
(what is the key, and what is the IV used for encryption? in my aduro stove it only shows xtea_key = "0").
Any info and help is appreciated!