Forfatter Emne: Spare Parts Ireland  (Læst 10181 gange)

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Spare Parts Ireland
« Dato: Jan 11, 2009, 02:54 »
We find it very hard to get parts for our Opop 30 kw Scotte.

Our Dealer Eco Stoves & Boilers have taken the burn grate from a new burner while they try to arrange new parts.

Is this the same problem in Denmark ?

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Sv: Spare Parts Ireland
« Svar #1 Dato: Jan 11, 2009, 11:22 »

No it is no problem with spare parts in Denmark  :)
We have a lot of dealers, and most of them have spare parts on stock.
There are several online-shops selling spare parts as well.

You write that your dealer is Eco Stoves & Boilers , but on the official international homepage of NBE (the producer), the dealer for Ireland is Green Energy Solutions Ltd.

On the danish version of NBE's homepage you have a list of danish companies selling spareparts
Since the homepages are in danish language, you might have some problems understanding the text, but pictures are the same on all languages  ;)
... and google can translate the text for you.

Best regards

We find it very hard to get parts for our Opop 30 kw Scotte.

Our Dealer Eco Stoves & Boilers have taken the burn grate from a new burner while they try to arrange new parts.

Is this the same problem in Denmark ?
« Senest Redigeret: Jan 11, 2009, 11:22 af MHES »
Styring nr. 47387 RTB på Android tablet
Opvarmer ca. 270 m2
RTB 10 kW v13.xxxx med VVB-styring og udvidelsesprint.
Årsforbrug 4,5 - 5 ton.
Online fra fyr
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