Forfatter Emne: StokerKontrol på Raspberry Pi ?  (Læst 38490 gange)

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Offline Christian_IA

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Sv: StokerKontrol på Raspberry Pi ?
« Svar #15 Dato: Aug 04, 2014, 14:59 »
Indtil Jens, får tid til et nyt stykke software. Bør du helt klart gå efter PellMon. Har selv fået glæde af de 4 pi jeg købte ind til formålet. De glæder idag mig og 2 kammerater, da de har fået nyt liv som mediecenter. Kører perfekt med Xbmc til pi. Resten af indkøbet herunder 4 stk. USB adaptere er endt i brokkassen. Hører meget gerne om dine erfaringer med PellMon.
jeg vil bestemt prøve PellMon.
Som mediecenter fungerer Synology NAS og WDTV Live fint :-)
Scotte 16 kW på BS20 semirens kedel
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Offline Christian_IA

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Sv: StokerKontrol på Raspberry Pi ?
« Svar #16 Dato: Aug 05, 2014, 08:38 »
Well, if you already have a 'pi and want to tinker with it then I can't see why you wouldn't try out PellMon also? I can absolutely understand that you like to keep using stokerkontrol and don't want to lose the history you already have there, but couldn't it be fun just to try it out anyway? A PellMon install will only cost you 10 minutes of your time copy-pasting the installation commands from the wiki, and uninstalls cleanly with a single command when you want to get rid of it ...
I have decided to give PellMon a go first, but I'm in doubt on how the HW is connected from the Scotte to the Raspberry.
Can you help me on that ?
Scotte 16 kW på BS20 semirens kedel
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Sv: StokerKontrol på Raspberry Pi ?
« Svar #17 Dato: Aug 05, 2014, 11:11 »
The easy way is to use a usb-serial adapter. It will show up on the raspberry as /dev/ttyUSB0 which PellMon is preconfigured to use so it works out of the box.

The more involved way is to use the serial port avaliable on the pin-header on the rasp, which requires first configuring raspbian to leave it alone (it is used as a tty console by default) and also an adapter to match the 0-3.3V inputs/outputs on the raspberry with the rs232 levels from a scotte (+-7.5V).

The really involved way is to remove and bypass the 'communication-chip' in the scotte, which is just a standard max232 chip that converts voltage levels from the internal 0-5V to rs232 levels, then you could make a really simple adapter by limiting the 5V output from the scotte to 3V to protect the 3.3V input on the raspberry. The other way should be fine as it is (3.3V to 5V). I have not tried this (although I inted to do it somtime), I do suggest that you go with a usb-serial adapter if you don't really know what you are doing.

Bio Comfort 30kW, compressor cleaning, lambda. Termax 25cr boiler. Matene vertical pellet conveyor. PellMon open source pellet logger:

Offline Christian_IA

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Sv: StokerKontrol på Raspberry Pi ?
« Svar #18 Dato: Aug 05, 2014, 11:53 »
The easy way is to use a usb-serial adapter. It will show up on the raspberry as /dev/ttyUSB0 which PellMon is preconfigured to use so it works out of the box.

The more involved way is to use the serial port avaliable on the pin-header on the rasp, which requires first configuring raspbian to leave it alone (it is used as a tty console by default) and also an adapter to match the 0-3.3V inputs/outputs on the raspberry with the rs232 levels from a scotte (+-7.5V).

The really involved way is to remove and bypass the 'communication-chip' in the scotte, which is just a standard max232 chip that converts voltage levels from the internal 0-5V to rs232 levels, then you could make a really simple adapter by limiting the 5V output from the scotte to 3V to protect the 3.3V input on the raspberry. The other way should be fine as it is (3.3V to 5V). I have not tried this (although I inted to do it somtime), I do suggest that you go with a usb-serial adapter if you don't really know what you are doing.
My StokerKontrol PC uses a usb-serial adapter now, so I presume that I could just put this on in the raspberry ?
I plan on using the new B+ board which has more usb port.
Does it matter which usb port or will any show op as  /dev/ttyUSB0 ?
Scotte 16 kW på BS20 semirens kedel
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Offline motoz

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Sv: StokerKontrol på Raspberry Pi ?
« Svar #19 Dato: Aug 05, 2014, 12:13 »
It does not matter which usb port you use (if you have two adapters plugged in at the same time one of them is /dev/ttyUSB1). The adapter you have will most certainly work fine.
Bio Comfort 30kW, compressor cleaning, lambda. Termax 25cr boiler. Matene vertical pellet conveyor. PellMon open source pellet logger:

Offline Christian_IA

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Sv: StokerKontrol på Raspberry Pi ?
« Svar #20 Dato: Aug 05, 2014, 12:28 »
It does not matter which usb port you use (if you have two adapters plugged in at the same time one of them is /dev/ttyUSB1). The adapter you have will most certainly work fine.
Thank you very much.
I will look forward to get the rapsberry from the supplier and get going.
Scotte 16 kW på BS20 semirens kedel
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Sv: StokerKontrol på Raspberry Pi ?
« Svar #21 Dato: Aug 06, 2014, 07:07 »
Ser frem til at høre hvordan projektet ender. Som jeg har læst mig til med PellMon. Er der ikke mulighed for fjernstyring. Men kun at hente data.
Når der kører vil du måske lave en iso og dele ?
Vh. Klaus Nordgren
Fyr BS1016 semirens- m. komp. rens &  pumpestyring. Styring ver. 10.0967. Ladeventil VTC300 - 55°C. Retur temp. måles før ladeventil. Skorsten Garmeta 125 mm. Opvarmer 220 m2
Hus fra 1979 m . efterisolering.
Forbrug 4,8 T. Inst. okt. 2013

Offline motoz

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Sv: StokerKontrol på Raspberry Pi ?
« Svar #22 Dato: Aug 06, 2014, 08:24 »
PellMon has 'burner On', 'burner Off', alarm resetting and parameter setting in the web interface which of course is as remotely available as you wish, or you can remotely log in to a shell and use PellMon's command line interface if that is more to your liking...

PellMon can send email with an attached graph when something happens (any or all of alarm, mode or parameter changes depending on what you want). You can also add your own alarms on any measured or calculated quantity.

PellMon has a scripting engine that you can use to make your own calculations and automated tasks, one user uses it to calculate and graph power input from his solar panels.

You also get access to all the raspberrys GPIO's, which gives you >20 inputs/outputs that can be used for any imaginable purpose together with the scripting engine. My favourite example is adding a big button close to the pellet silo that resets the silo level to a preset level when pressed. It's completely freely programmable so there are no limits to what you can do with it.

PellMon can access onewire sensors, so you can add for instance as many temperature sensors as you like.

And on top of that, PellMon comes with complete source code so if you feel that something is missing from this list anyone can add to it... For instance by writing a new 'plugin'. PellMon has a plugin system that allows you to add almost any functionality without touching PellMon's code, just by adding a new plugin.

Hope this makes it clearer what PellMon is.
Bio Comfort 30kW, compressor cleaning, lambda. Termax 25cr boiler. Matene vertical pellet conveyor. PellMon open source pellet logger:

Offline Christian_IA

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Sv: StokerKontrol på Raspberry Pi ?
« Svar #23 Dato: Aug 06, 2014, 09:26 »
Ser frem til at høre hvordan projektet ender. Som jeg har læst mig til med PellMon. Er der ikke mulighed for fjernstyring. Men kun at hente data.
Når der kører vil du måske lave en iso og dele ?
ISO af SD kortet ?
Selvfølgelig hvis jeg må pga rettigheder.
Mon ikke man kan ændre parametre som med StorkerKontrol ?
Scotte 16 kW på BS20 semirens kedel
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Offline Christian_IA

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Sv: StokerKontrol på Raspberry Pi ?
« Svar #24 Dato: Aug 06, 2014, 09:40 »
PellMon has 'burner On', 'burner Off', alarm resetting and parameter setting in the web interface which of course is as remotely available as you wish, or you can remotely log in to a shell and use PellMon's command line interface if that is more to your liking...
....snip a description of lot of nice features....
I must say that I'm really looking forward to try out PellMon :-)
Scotte 16 kW på BS20 semirens kedel
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Offline Christian_IA

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Sv: StokerKontrol på Raspberry Pi ?
« Svar #25 Dato: Aug 07, 2014, 12:41 »
Now I have recieved my two Raspberries (1 for PellMOn and 1 for the fun of it) and a 8 GB Card.
So I can soon say: "Let the fun begin :-)"
Scotte 16 kW på BS20 semirens kedel
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Offline kivi

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Sv: StokerKontrol på Raspberry Pi ?
« Svar #26 Dato: Aug 12, 2014, 20:19 »
Nu har jeg prøvet at installere Pellmon på min Raspberry og det ser ud til at køre fint.
Jeg kan også nemt tilgå den fra min iPad.

Dog er der to ting jeg ikke lige kan finde ud af:
1. hvordan ændrer man brugernavn
2. det ser ikke ud til at man kan justere timerne for VVB og varme.

Måske det skyldes min manglende indsigt i linux, men hvis nogle kan hjælpe vil jeg blive glad ;-)
BlackStar 1016, 16 kW, V6.76, 160+54 m2,  kompressorrens, 300L VVB med solfanger, Pellmon på Raspberry pi

Offline motoz

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Sv: StokerKontrol på Raspberry Pi ?
« Svar #27 Dato: Aug 13, 2014, 06:30 »
Hello kivi, that's great!

1. The username and password is changed in traditional linux-style by editing the configuration file /etc/pellmon/pellmon.conf. The file is a "text only" file that can be edited with any text editor, it's quite long but it contains lots of explaining comments. You need to have root rights to be able to save it in the correct place, so you can either save a copy in your home folder and then use a terminal command to copy it to the correct place: "sudo cp /home/pi/pellmon.conf /etc/pellmon/pellmon.conf", or you can start the editor with 'sudo' to give the editor permission to edit the file in place.

To do everything in a terminal, which is very handy if you have no monitor connected, you can for instance edit the file directly with 'sudo nano /etc/pellmon/pellmon.conf'. (Nano is a simple text editor that runs in a terminal)

Look for this section:
# username = password, for webinterface
testuser = 12345

The rows starting with '#' are comments, the default user is 'testuser' and the default password is '12345'

To activate a new configuration just reboot, or if that feels too drastic you can instead restart the pellmon daemons with these commands:"sudo service pellmonsrv restart", and "sudo service pellmonweb restart".

2. Regarding the timers for VVB and heating, there is apparently a bug here... The relevant parameters are found in the meny 'Timers' but they are hidden until you click the menu selection [More...]. There are a lot of seldom used parameters in a scotte and this More.../Less... thing is supposed to show/hide the less useful ones, but the timers should definitely be in the always shown selection! The more/less distinction is btw very hastily made so improvement proposals are gratefully received!

Hope this helps!
Bio Comfort 30kW, compressor cleaning, lambda. Termax 25cr boiler. Matene vertical pellet conveyor. PellMon open source pellet logger:


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Sv: StokerKontrol på Raspberry Pi ?
« Svar #28 Dato: Aug 13, 2014, 13:27 »
Kan du tilgå din Raspberry pi fra Windows med

Nice hvis du ville tage nogle skærm dump fra Windows med teamwiever. Og oploade dem, så vi andre kunne få mod på PellMon. Hvis du får held med at ændre username og Password. Kunne du måske dele et image. Evt. dele det på dropbox.
Vh. Klaus Nordgren
Fyr BS1016 semirens- m. komp. rens &  pumpestyring. Styring ver. 10.0967. Ladeventil VTC300 - 55°C. Retur temp. måles før ladeventil. Skorsten Garmeta 125 mm. Opvarmer 220 m2
Hus fra 1979 m . efterisolering.
Forbrug 4,8 T. Inst. okt. 2013

Offline kivi

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Sv: StokerKontrol på Raspberry Pi ?
« Svar #29 Dato: Aug 13, 2014, 16:25 »
Thanks Motoz.

I have now been able to change my username and I also found the timer settings :)

Regarding the timer settings, it would be nice though, if the timer start was in time/clock format rather than in minutes.

Is it possible to have the hotwater temp in the graph on the frontpage as well.

Thank You for a nice piece of software, now that Stokersoft doesn't seem to update Stokerkontrol anymore.

Would You prefer any future comments in English or is Danish OK?

BlackStar 1016, 16 kW, V6.76, 160+54 m2,  kompressorrens, 300L VVB med solfanger, Pellmon på Raspberry pi