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Sv: Burner grate gets saturated
« Svar #15 Dato: Mar 07, 2010, 18:31 »
hej frank du må oversætte eller bruge det
kan hans brænder ikke sættes ned til 16kwh, jeg tænker på at det er bedre at den kører på stor effekt i stedet for en lille i24kwh
tror du at han kender basis indstillinger af hensyn til blæser
kan der være lavet en shut der står åben
woody med 6,50

Offline Frank_rasmussen

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Sv: Burner grate gets saturated
« Svar #16 Dato: Mar 07, 2010, 19:03 »
hej frank du må oversætte eller bruge det
kan hans brænder ikke sættes ned til 16kwh, jeg tænker på at det er bedre at den kører på stor effekt i stedet for en lille i24kwh
tror du at han kender basis indstillinger af hensyn til blæser
kan der være lavet en shut der står åben

Google translate to something like:

"hey frank you can translate, or use it

Could his burner not be set down to 16kW? I think that it is better that it runs on high power on a 16 kW limit rather than at low power on a 24kW limit.

Do you think Didier knows the basic settings for the blower?

Could the problem be an open shut that can't close?"
« Senest Redigeret: Mar 07, 2010, 19:04 af Frank_rasmussen »
Woody 10 kW (høj sort/rød kedel) (v. 6.85)
140 kvm hus fra 1914 med 1. sal fra 80'erne
Iltstyring, VVB-prioritering og kompressor rens
160 l Metro vandvarmer med elpatron

Offline Frank_rasmussen

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Sv: Burner grate gets saturated
« Svar #17 Dato: Mar 07, 2010, 20:08 »
The ash in the ashtray today is gray to darkgray.

This is great news. Hope it is keeps this colour or perhaps get a bit darker. Coffee grounds is the colour we are aiming for.

The settings for the blower are now set just like the settings for Siver Alu blower: 35 for high.

Are you sure that you have the silver aluminum blower? They are hard to buy in Denmark..

Aluminum is not magnetic. Maybe you can check the blow with an magnet.

chimney draft? really I don't have a clue how to measure this and I believe my salesmen does not have the tools for it neither.
So I do live at the coast about 2 miles from the sealine in a house in open surroundings, as always in these area's we have lot's of wind but I don't know about the chimney draft so I have to guess about this..

I understand you have an draft stabilizer. If it isn't in its maximum position all the time I think it will be ok..

I do have the Woody boiler and no OPOP so I don't have any of those handles.æpillebrænder/Woody%20version%206.pdf
Aaah, we have family ties then  :) I have the same boilder.

Now I understand why you and NBE talk about a Woody/Scotte.

The Woody boiler have a plate that needs to be in place (see red line in drawing below). Please also check for ash in the green area.

scotte 24kw burner
A 24 kW burner is identical to a 16 kW burner. Only difference between a 16 kW and 24 kW installation is the numbers you enter in the controler.

no roof insulation
I am sure this where you can really save money. If your boiler is in an unheated room make sure also to insulated  the tubes to heated areas. This is one of the fastest ways to save money.

I also have a ladomatpump and a double watertank, 800l for heating ..
I wonder also if I needed that buffer tank from 800l, to me it is only another 800l to heat up before i get any warmth into my heating elements.

I don't know much about this subject (however, others on the forum do) but I guess you have open oppotunities to install solar collectors in the furture. If this will be a good investment to make, I am not sure.

Woody 10 kW (høj sort/rød kedel) (v. 6.85)
140 kvm hus fra 1914 med 1. sal fra 80'erne
Iltstyring, VVB-prioritering og kompressor rens
160 l Metro vandvarmer med elpatron

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Sv: Burner grate gets saturated
« Svar #18 Dato: Mar 08, 2010, 17:18 »
Hello to all and thanks again for the friendly help you give me.

Yess I have a draft stabilizer and yes all the tubing is insulated completely to the house.

What I find strange is that everybody keeps saying that a 16kw burner is the same as a 24kw burner, then why do you explain the difference in price? If i visit hedestoker i also see that the 16kw is a different price then the 24kw so if it is only settings in the controller maybe the 16kw is limited in the controller or not?

Today I emptied the ashtray below and I found out it was nice light grey ashes maybe going to the white side....
Maybe this points out to "to much air"

I changed over now to the settings for the metal blower 24kw because this comes more close to the settings I got from Yann
I will test another day with these settings.

Another question: Yannich advised me to put E7 to 10 "temperature difference over setpoint"
With these settings my burner never stops and keeps on burning 24hours non stop.
Before these settings where 0 and my burner stops several times a day.
I changed this back to 0 because I prefer the burner to stop some times a day.
From my point of view  I think i will save some pellets if the burner does not run for maybe 6 hours a day instead of burning 24hours non stop.
OK it is modulating at that time but I do no think it saves me pellets in modulating.

Anyone other toughts about this?

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Sv: Burner grate gets saturated
« Svar #19 Dato: Mar 08, 2010, 17:20 »
Oh yes Frank,
i could not get the pictures from the forum you pointed out to for the plate that needed to be set somewhere...
could you check this please.

Offline xkfc

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Sv: Burner grate gets saturated
« Svar #20 Dato: Mar 08, 2010, 17:48 »
Hej frank, jeg tror at der er problemer med vedhæftede filer af typen .bmp og .png
Prøv at indsætte billederne som .jpg
Jeg har 5 computere og ingen af dem kan downloade filerne.

(Something is wrong on this site, .bmp and .png is not working, please use .jpg, they still seems to be working)

MVH. (best regards) Kenneth
Hilsen Kenneth
16kw Scotte V7, opop H418 24nov09 Herd: standart; Sommer; BB176, kompressor rens.
94' - 09' twinheat m20 85'
200m2 23°/76m2 8-22° 1plan 1922 ca. 6 ton.
metro160combi + metro110combi

Offline Frank_rasmussen

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Sv: Burner grate gets saturated
« Svar #21 Dato: Mar 08, 2010, 20:09 »
If i visit hedestoker i also see that the 16kw is a different price then the 24kw so if it is only settings in the controller maybe the 16kw is limited in the controller or not?

I am told that if you buy the 24 kW-version i Denmark you will get a spare chip where the default settings are set to the 16 kW limit....Since this spare chip is normally priced at 312 danish kr it is an expensive way to buy the chip, and in my opion it will be easier and quicker to change the parameters in the 24 kW-setup than to exchange the chips in the controler..

Today I emptied the ashtray below and I found out it was nice light grey ashes maybe going to the white side....
Maybe this points out to "to much air"

I think your right. Keep tuning :)

Thanks Kenneth. I have now tried with the jpg-format. The server didn't accept it. I see other treads having problems with upload of files. Maybe this is at generel error.

Woody 10 kW (høj sort/rød kedel) (v. 6.85)
140 kvm hus fra 1914 med 1. sal fra 80'erne
Iltstyring, VVB-prioritering og kompressor rens
160 l Metro vandvarmer med elpatron

Offline TonniT

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Sv: Burner grate gets saturated
« Svar #22 Dato: Mar 08, 2010, 21:10 »
Hej Frank

Den med de to forskellige chips tror du er gået fejl af...
Nu har jeg selv en scotte 6.xx og den går til 130+ kw(jeg stoppede ved 130) Prøv det f.eks på din egen.

Jeg har også set at didier kører med en 4,99. Men hvis han holder set inde samtidig med han slutter strøm til styringen og sætter F: til 16.
Så burde han have en 16kw brænder. (se link)
16 Kw Scotte 6.50 på Roca kedel
 med ekstra skamolrøgvender og Trækstabilisator.

Offline Frank_rasmussen

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Sv: Burner grate gets saturated
« Svar #23 Dato: Mar 08, 2010, 21:48 »
Hi Tonni,

This thing about the two chips in a 24 kW-buy is something I got from a danish NBE-retailer in I belive he is considering dropping the 24 kW-option...

I agree it would be easier to tell the customers how to change between the 16 kW and 24 kW setups. But there migth be marketing considerations that I havn't grasped.
Woody 10 kW (høj sort/rød kedel) (v. 6.85)
140 kvm hus fra 1914 med 1. sal fra 80'erne
Iltstyring, VVB-prioritering og kompressor rens
160 l Metro vandvarmer med elpatron

Offline TonniT

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Sv: Burner grate gets saturated
« Svar #24 Dato: Mar 08, 2010, 22:08 »
Ja okay...  :)

Men hvorfor H kan man så indstille en 16kw styring til 24kw hvis man ikke kan bruge det til noget???
Iøvrigt også en dyr chip kr. 800.-

Jamen hvis han kan nøjes med at køre 16kw så synes jeg helt klart at han skal gøre det, men jeg kan se det er et ret stort setup han har. 30kw kedel og 24kw brænder.
kender man noget til de fysiske rammer han skal opvarme???
16 Kw Scotte 6.50 på Roca kedel
 med ekstra skamolrøgvender og Trækstabilisator.

Offline didier

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Sv: Burner grate gets saturated
« Svar #25 Dato: Mar 08, 2010, 22:17 »
does any one knows comparing my old gasboiler that was 24kw and i consumed 12000m³ gas pro year how much Kgr of pellets i would need to have the same with my 24kw pelletsburner?

I have read that 1m³ gas is about 1,7kgr pellets, is this correct?

Does anyone knows an average percentage of savings we can make be putting insulation on the roof?

Maybe somebody on the forum has done the same thing and he could tell me how much he saved in burning pellets after insulation.

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Sv: Burner grate gets saturated
« Svar #26 Dato: Mar 08, 2010, 22:21 »
Another question: Yannich advised me to put E7 to 10 "temperature difference over setpoint"
With these settings my burner never stops and keeps on burning 24hours non stop.
Before these settings where 0 and my burner stops several times a day.
I changed this back to 0 because I prefer the burner to stop some times a day.
From my point of view  I think i will save some pellets if the burner does not run for maybe 6 hours a day instead of burning 24hours non stop.
OK it is modulating at that time but I do no think it saves me pellets in modulating.

Offline xkfc

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Sv: Burner grate gets saturated
« Svar #27 Dato: Mar 09, 2010, 06:23 »
Its' very expensive in pillets when it is running start/stop, mine is running 24/7 as long as possible, hopefully until i'm only using hot water.

MVH. Kenneth
Hilsen Kenneth
16kw Scotte V7, opop H418 24nov09 Herd: standart; Sommer; BB176, kompressor rens.
94' - 09' twinheat m20 85'
200m2 23°/76m2 8-22° 1plan 1922 ca. 6 ton.
metro160combi + metro110combi

Offline Frank_rasmussen

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Sv: Burner grate gets saturated
« Svar #28 Dato: Mar 09, 2010, 19:39 » jeg kan se det er et ret stort setup han har. 30kw kedel og 24kw brænder.
The 30 kW boiler is the smallest (and only?) model of this new type.
Woody 10 kW (høj sort/rød kedel) (v. 6.85)
140 kvm hus fra 1914 med 1. sal fra 80'erne
Iltstyring, VVB-prioritering og kompressor rens
160 l Metro vandvarmer med elpatron

Offline TonniT

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Sv: Burner grate gets saturated
« Svar #29 Dato: Mar 09, 2010, 21:08 »

Don't you have any insulation on the roof at all?
I would advise you to put at least 300mm insulation on the roof...
16 Kw Scotte 6.50 på Roca kedel
 med ekstra skamolrøgvender og Trækstabilisator.